Easily enter share class conversions in Capdesk.
Registering Share Conversions
1. Navigate to Ownership > Shares > Transactions.
2. Click Register transaction > Share conversion.
3. Select the shareholder and click Next.
4. Enter the required information (marked with a red asterisk) and choose to either Save draft or Publish and notify shareholder.
Required fields:
- Share Class From
- Share Class To
- Employment related
- Date of Conversion
- Quantity
- Price Paid per Share
Please note, if the destination share class does not exists, click Add to create it. Furthermore, refer to creating share classes here. |
Once completed, the conversion will be recorded in the list of share transactions.
Editing Share Conversions
1. Navigate Ownership > Shares > Transactions, find the conversion and from the actions button on the far right hand side, select Change conversion details.
2. Select Correct details.
Please note, correcting transactions will always trigger a notification email to the shareholder. |
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