Locating documents relating to investments and grants in your account.
On Capdesk, documents can be attached to transactions and to a stakeholder. There are three ways for finding documents associated with the transactions recorded on Capdesk:
The Documents Tab
1. Navigate to the upper right section of the account and click the paper icon on the right Tasks.
You will see any and all documents related to you, either attached directly to you as a stakeholder or to a transaction that involves you. e.g. you can find your signed grants here if they have been recorded on Capdesk and EIS certificates if they have been generated on Capdesk.
The Grants Tab
1. Navigate to the upper right handle and click Grants.
2. Find the Your grants section and click Details.
3. Find the Documents section of the page and click Download. It is possible to find any documents associated with the issuance.
The Holdings Tab
1. Navigate to the upper right handle and click Holdings.
2. Find the Latest transactions section and click See all to list all transactions.
3. Click the link of the transaction. This will open a side drawer in which it is possible to download any transaction documents associated with the issuance.
Please note, documents available for access is subject to the company uploading the documents. If you are unable to view any documents on Capdesk and you would like to have access to some i.e Share Certificate, then please contact the company. |
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