Whether you are a company administrator or stakeholder and have created an account on Capdesk, you might need to perform different tasks such as signing an agreement or signing EIS certification.
Based on the type of user you are, you will be presented with different tasks:
All tasks actions can be accesed under your Tasks section on the top right corner of your Capdesk account.
As a company administrator, you can expect to execute the following tasks:
- Review and Sign - this relates to your company signature for either a grant issuance, share certificate or EIS3 certificate.
- Configure signatories - if a default signatory is not available for signing, you can change this by following this process.
As a stakeholder, you will be required to perform different actions on your Capdesk account, such as:
- Accept your securities - if you have been issued shares, convertible loan notes or different types of grants which do not require a signature through Capdesk, you will be asked to accept (acknowledge) those transactions. You can find more information about this here.
- Review and sign - if you have been issued a grant that has an agreement attached that requires your signature or if you are exercising your grant and need to sign your exercise agreement, this task allows you to do so. You can find the signature process for a grant issuance here and for exercising your grant here.
- Approve or reject merge - if you have two or more accounts in a company under different email addresses, the company can merge these accounts on your behalf. If however, you have access to both or all those accounts, you will also need to accept the merge on your end for it to be completed.
- Witness and sign - if you have been selected to act as a witness for the signing of a document through Capdesk, once you create an account, you will need to click on the link shown in your Task section to complete the signature. You can find the full process here.
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